Sue spent an amazing week in Dublin with the Global Brain Health conference. She was asked to lead a daily Breaks and Joins workshop, exploring repair in all its forms. This was part of a workshop programme that gave people the opportunity to work creatively, often non verbally, among a packed programme of speakers and presentations. “A real stand out from the conference for me was the idea that taking care of our brain health starts early. It’s not just a question that we should be thinking about for older people, or for those with illness or aquired injury. For all of us, in our amazing neurodiversity, there are things we can do to maintain and strengthen brain health, through connection, creativity, activity, reflection, diet, and so on. I was also fascinated by the ways in which VR can be used to help us understand our deep connection with nature, as demonstrated by Marshmallow Laser feast“. Thinking about repair was a thread that emerged through the whole conference, whose themes were ‘Attention, Connection and Love’, and it was great to have the project represented at such an amazing International forum.
Art Deco Lamp
Our regular workshop, On the Mend, is at the Telegraph Hill Centre, where we are alongside Mend it with Mo,